Thursday 28 April 2011

I think I have just woke up

Today, whilst sitting on the cool slightly damp sand, at the nearby beach I suddenly noticed..... No not the calm blue water, the small fishing craft floating way off toward the horizon nor the large container ships sitting sedentarily in the bay waiting to go into the docks.
No I noticed the slightly buffed tall man with short dark brown hair walking his what looked like an airedale terrier. 
Was it the way his dark blue t shirt sat on his torso or his light blue casual style jeans sat on what looked like quite firm butt cheeks or just the mysteriousness of him.  For it was the middle of a work day and he definetly had that tradie look about him.
Since when did I suddenly notice the men around me???
I mean its not that I haven't been looking in the past twelve + months since rob died but suddenly today they were everywhere i went.  You know HOT guys.
Sure there were the ubiquitous 'cuddly' guys at the local hardware store and the definitely married guys with bay on hip or holding a childs hand or even being nagged, lightly , by said wife/ partner.BUT today I actually noticed gorgeous guys.
So why of all a sudden has this epipthany occurred?
Did the universe suddenly decide that enough was enough and time I actually got 'with the program' and began looking seriously for a new mate?
Or has my heart finally mended, as far as it gets mended, and it decided there is actual room in there for some loving?
I am still young, relatively attractive, "bubbly" as my neighbor put it last saturday  - also asking why I was alone?  No he was happily married but he and his wife had wondered why there was no one significant in my life.   So I guess they, too were trying to help me with this change.  It probably did not help when I mentioned that I thought their younger son (29) was an attractive man and why wasn't he already taken? For they are Italians and usually they are married by that age and procreating.

I am not ready to be truly alone for the rest of my life, and going by current average age of my elders that is easily another 50 + years to go, nor am i ready to 'get a cat etc' ( sorry to cat and dog lovers out there)
So how come I have really noticed how many drop dead gorgeous guys are actually around?
How do I now get over my introversion, lack of socialisation skills, low self confidence and get a date with one of these "Hot Guys"?

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